Harvest Kids
We group our children based on age and grade with the intent of delivering the Word of God at their level. We encourage the kids to visit with each other and share the week’s highs and lows. We worship together in song through singing and motions, we hear the story through Scripture, receive the Scripture for the day and a Bible Point. We take part in an impromptu audio drama that we either play a role in, or participate as an audience member. We share celebrations like birthdays, milestones, and even share hardships when the Spirit moves. After opening, we break into age groups and travel to 2 stations.
Games Station
This station is pretty much self explanatory. This station is designed with low impact and high impact activities to reinforce the message for the day. A lot of times it is a simple game that can be done at home for family activities, and the kids really enjoy just moving together and having healthy competitions.
In the book of Mark there is a reference to children being brought to Jesus for blessings. Even the disciples did not see the importance of the children, but Jesus was very clear when he stated, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of God belongs to such of these. I assure you, anyone that doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get into the kingdom of Heaven,” Mark 10:14-15
This station, full of energy and uniqueness, helps us to enjoy their energy and differences in an exciting way. It also builds their communication skills and deepens their relationships with God and each other.
Surprise Station
This station is exactly as it is named, it’s a surprise! The activities range from art projects to meal making, which impacts all types f learners while providing some sort of surprise. Our hands on activity, meal making, or eating station is connected to the actual Scripture and Bible point for the day. It may give a child an opportunity to make a craft to take home that will remind them of the story and message, or to make a snack or a meal they will share together that forever reminds them of the Scriptures in future meals with their families.
In the book of Acts, Luke gives very clear direction about what some of the first believers did when they received the Holy Spirit and the Word of GOD. “They met together constantly and shared everything! They shared meals together with great joy and generosity all the while praising God.” He finishes the chapter with, ” and each day the Lord added to their group those where were being saved.” Acts 2:43-47
It is our hope and prayer that Harvest kids add to the kingdom of God through study of the word and sharing revealed knowledge with each other through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT!