Have you ever wanted something so badly that it consumed your thoughts and you couldn’t stop thinking about it? Whether it was some technology you felt you had to have, a relationship, or maybe a position at work—something you wanted …
Have you ever wanted something so badly that it consumed your thoughts and you couldn’t stop thinking about it? Whether it was some technology you felt you had to have, a relationship, or maybe a position at work—something you wanted …
Have you ever been lied to? Lies harm us deeply, don’t they? The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is not true. Lies distort reality. They fracture the trust that holds relationships …
If you have your Bible open to the book of Exodus, the words we just sang, ‘All my attempts to be satisfied were vain and empty,’ capture a reality we all experience—the tendency to seek satisfaction outside of what God …
Exodus 20:14 If you have your Bible, I invite you to open it to the Book of Exodus, chapter 20. Today, we’re looking at the seventh commandment. As we’ve been journeying through the Ten Commandments—God’s moral law—we see how God …
Exodus 20:13 If you have your Bible with you, please open it to Exodus chapter 20. Actually, you can begin in Genesis chapter 1. We’ve been going through the Ten Commandments, and today we are looking at the sixth commandment. I …
Exodus 20:12 God is a God of order & He established order in creation through delegated authority. We live in a time where parents are having tremendous difficulty raising children to respect their authority. You can talk to any schoolteacher, and …
Exodus 20:8-11